Does our Vibe Attracts Our Tribe?

Does our Vibe Attracts Our Tribe?

Sometimes we meet people and we like them instantly. They radiate an energy that attracts us to them and allows us to “click”, these feels are called a Vibe. It is how we connect with others, and the feels we show when communicating to others. Therefore,...
The Leader in You

The Leader in You

When you hear the word “LEADER”, who do you envision? Your manager, a CEO, a sports coach or a politician? Do you think of yourself as a LEADER? If no, why not? What if I told you that we all have the potential to be LEADERS? Let’s consider a different question. Do...
The Power of Thoughts

The Power of Thoughts

THOUGHTS are powerful. It is said 60,000 THOUGHTS cross our minds every day. These could be positive or negative. THOUGHTS become feelings and translate into our actions, which can ultimately create our reality. There is a story of an old...