My Wildest Dream
By Kim
I desire a life where I am able to know my truest self and walk in that truth unapologetically. I want to love me. All of me. My curves. My big bright beautiful eyes. My kinky, coily, thick black hair. I want to live in a way where I believe I am bigger than my worst mistakes. That I am stronger than my worst failures. I desire to love big and to be loved honestly, genuinely, and vulnerably by the ones around me. The ones who are a part of my inner circle. I desire that deep love with a life partner. That love that not only supports my growth and gives me the space and grace to learn along the journey. A love that is not afraid of vulnerability. Not afraid of connecting at the center in a way that creates a place where the void that once divided us evaporates and the two of us become as one. One Mind. One Soul. One Love. I desire FREEDOM in my mind and in my pockets. A freedom where I am not limited by my limitations, by money or by lack thereof. I don't want lack. I want FREEDOM. I desire a life where I can be a blessing to my family, community and to those I may never actually meet. I desire a life where Legacy is inevitable. A place where my physical body may leave, but my eternal presence still remains. I desire to make my mother, my biggest supporter, my first Love, my role model – proud. I desire to make her proud of ME, because she's sacrificed so much for me. Even her own comfort and happiness. I desire to continue living in the fullness of each day. A perspective on life where I don't have one foot in the past or my mind on the future. I desire to understand and know what really being PRESENT looks like. I desire to know what true inner peace and joy feels like.
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