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Year-End Check-In – February 

It’s hard to believe that we’ve already reached the end of the year. Yet, we only have a few more weeks until it’s 2023. The closing of another year signifies a good time for us to check in on the progress we’ve been making toward our goals.  In this post, we...

 Year-End Check-In – January

It’s hard to believe that we’ve already reached the end of the year. Yet, we only have a few more weeks until it’s 2023. The closing of another year signifies a good time for us to check in on the progress we’ve been making toward our goals.  In this post, we...

Navigating Workplace Relationships 

One of the most important things to remember when thinking about our careers is that the people you work with are just as important as the job itself, if not more. It doesn’t matter how much you love the work; if you don’t get along with your co-workers, you will...

Remembrance Day: Observing Hope 

 “In Flanders Fields, the poppies grow…” John McCrae 1. History of Remembrance November 11 is Remembrance Day and is a day that Canada and many other countries stop and remember the sacrifices made in the name of freedom. Men and women, who chose to serve their...

Being Honest About Your Career Path 

There are a lot of outside factors that will play a part in determining our career path. For example, the opinions of others, general societal expectations, and our expectations can influence our path. This can not only be overwhelming but also incredibly...

Giving Thanks as the Year Winds Down 

In Canada, Thanksgiving is always celebrated on the second Monday of October. Like many countries worldwide, we use this day to thank the people in our lives, the opportunities we’ve been given, and the things we have. But let’s keep in mind, however, that just like...

1 Year with Achieve 

After a year of writing blogs for Achieve, I think it’s long overdue that I introduce myself. My name is Lauren, and my first blog with Achieve was “Success: 5 Ways to get Back on Track”. Forty-six blogs later, a lot has changed in my life.  When I first started,...

Honouring Indigenous Children: Truth and Reconciliation Day

“Each year, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The day honours the children who never returned home and survivors of residential schools and their families and communities. Public commemoration of our tragic and painful history and...

Reflect: The Beginning of Fall

Welcome to Fall! Soon, the leaves will start changing colours, the temperatures will drop, and pumpkin-flavoured everything will be bombarding us from all angles. We generally see this change in the season as a change in attitude. While summer is a season for relaxing...

Establishing Yourself as a Professional: Part 3

When establishing yourself, there are a lot of different factors that you need to keep in mind. So much so, that establishing yourself can be a seriously daunting task. There’s a lot of things to learn and remember to make sure you’re doing it properly. This also...

Building Habits and 3 of Their Benefits

Making schedules and making habits can go hand-in-hand. One of the only differences is that once a habit has been built, you shouldn’t need to schedule for it; it’s just something you naturally do. Unfortunately, habits are things that we most often push to the side,...

3 Ways to Start Understanding Your “Why” 

Why is it, that when trying to figure out where our next steps should be, we often think of the “what”? What am I getting out of this? What does the end goal look like? What do I need to accomplish my goals?  All of these questions are indeed important...

Evaluate Your Successes in 3 Healthy Ways

Evaluate Your Successes in 3 Healthy Ways

When we evaluate our successes, it is likely that we will take a negative approach. We can often take "evaluate" to mean criticism, but in this case, evaluation does not equal criticism. At Achieve Potential, when we say evaluate, we mean to understand and celebrate....

Celebrating Canada Day on July 1st 2022

This Friday, July 1st, Canadians will be celebrating Canada Day.  What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Canada?  Is it the vast amount of land space? Perhaps it's winter, or hockey, or the maple leaf?Maybe our wide diversity of...

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