Objective: Learn how to identify your WHY in each area to strengthen your resolve to complete them.
The Power of Why
Commitment is easier if we know WHY we want to do it. Our biggest goals need a WHY to give us the resolve to push through when we don’t feel like doing them. How many times have you wanted to quit when the task seems too hard or daunting. The laziness and/or self-doubt creep into our minds and the desire to quit is a loud voice in our head. “You don’t have to push yourself to do this now (or ever)” or others tell us that “we should not work too hard and be easier on ourselves.”
It is exciting, in the beginning, to start pursuing our dreams and goals. However, no one ever succeeded without making incremental progress, experiencing setbacks, and, of course, lots of consistent hard work. This is where passion comes in. When we choose goals that are value-based we have an invested interest. We have a burning desire to seek it. The more passion we have, the stronger our resolve to achieve it.
Darren Hardy explains in his book “The Compound Effect”:
If I were to put a ten-inch-wide, thirty-foot-long plank on the ground and say, “If you walk the length of the plank, I’ll give you twenty dollars,” would you do it? Of course, it’s an easy twenty bucks.
But what if I took that same plank and made a roof-top “bridge” between two 100-story buildings? That same twenty dollars for walking the thirty-foot plank no longer look desirable or even possible, does it? You’d look at me and say, “Not on your life.”
However, if your child was in the opposite building, and that building was on fire, would you walk the length of the plank to save him? Without question and immediately—you’d do it, twenty dollars or not.
What is the difference between the first refusal to walk the rooftop plank when the second request is done without hesitation? The risk is the same, so what changed? Your reason or your WHY changed.
Think about your reasons for wanting to attain your goal. What impact will attaining this goal have? How will it affect others? How will you feel when successful? These are some ideas to include in your WHY statements. Ensure you have a clear vision of what your “10” looks like in each holistic area as this will assist you in defining your WHY.
Knowing our WHY and the underlying motivation is imperative when we get discouraged and stuck to ensure we stay the course.
In the comment box below, write your big dream (Holistic 10/Best Life) and then write your WHY
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