Word of the Year

Word of the Year is one of the many tools we use to keep us laser-focused on our goals. The right word can help you make choices, so you stay in alignment with your end goals. It can help you navigate each day by helping you prioritize based on your chosen Word. It can help you maintain clarity so you can stay on track.

The above examples are just a small sampling of possible words. Your Wordis a personal choice, two people can have the same word, but it could mean completely different things to each of them. There is no right or wrong, importantly, your Word needs to be in alignment with your values and be a guiding light toward your goals.
How to Choose Your Word
This is a very personal process and there are things to consider and many ways to come up with your Word. Close your eyes and imagine your “perfect life”. How does it look and feel? Think about last year, what held you back? What is something that you would like to overcome? Look at different areas of your life, and the goals you have set for them, is there a common thread? Start writing out words that come to mind, just spend two minutes focused on possible words, then go over the list and start narrowing it down, say each word out loud, trust your gut with this. What words strike a chord with you.
Once you get down to 5-10 words, look at them through all aspects of your life, each of the goal areas, eliminate the words that don’t work with all areas.
How to Use Your Word
Post it everywhere: mirrors, screensaver, fridge, bedside tables, office, in your wallet, etc. Consider it your mission for the year to live by your Word. Before making a decision, consult your Word. Is the decision in alignment with it? Check-in with yourself at the end of the week, are you living your Word? Did you make good decisions based on your Word?
To Be Successful:
- Watch the video or listen to the audio file
- Identify 5-10 potential words
- Select one word that will define your next year describe in detail what it means to you
- Enter it and the comment section below and tell us what it means to you
- Go over the our Telegram Group tell us your WORD and what it means to you.
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