2020 is coming to a close – Phew!! 

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Now is the time to start looking back over the year and reflect on how you did.

2020 will not soon be forgotten. Control over many things was taken completely out of our hands and most were things we could not have planned for. But YOU did not give up! You all pivoted in some matter to make the best out of a very uncertain time. Many of you, completed actions that were way out of your comfort zone. All of you worked tirelessly on improving your life. Well Done! 

Find some quiet time and look back at the big goals you set for 2020 and list the TOP accomplishments (so far) for this year! 

  1. List your TOP 10 Successes of 2020
  2. List ONE goal, you did not accomplish, but would still like to.
  3. List ONE habit or behaviour that slowed or stop your progress.

Look forward to talking about it at our next LIVE.