Our daily tasks can oftentimes be very long and quite frankly overwhelming. The best way to have a glimmer of hope at getting through these tasks is making a list: the dreaded “to-do-list”. As motivated individuals, we try to jam pack our day and that alone could sabotage our efforts. It is important that, when you write down all your required tasks, you look over the list and decide:

  1. Do they really need to be done?
  2. Do they have to be done now?
  3. Are they critical to your success?

Weed out the ones that aren’t really that important. Look over your list and pick 3 items that you must accomplish, that are crucial to your success. We call them your Critical Success Actions (CSAs).

The CSAs are identified during your nightly routine, this is where you do a “brain dump” of all the items floating around in your head. This gives you the chance to clear your mind so that you can think better but more importantly be able to sleep well, knowing you have all your tasks written down. By putting this into your evening routine it gets you more prepared for the next day.

In the morning, you can start your day knowing exactly what you need to do. Ideally, you want to start working on your CSAs first thing in the morning, that way you have a better chance of accomplishing them before your time gets hijacked by the busyness of the day. Getting these 3 items off your list will give you the momentum to plow through the other actions on your list and if your day goes off the rails, you at least can feel good that you got the critical items done.

To add that extra layer of commitment, share your daily CSAs with your accountability partners.
Nothing will motivate you more than being able to tell your partners about your awesomely successful day or to sadly admit you did not get them done.

Action Tasks

  1. Download the Your “Critical Success Actions (CSAs)” Workbook in the Materials Tab
  2. Write your to-do list for the upcoming week
  3. Select your 3 CSAs for tomorrow and share these with your accountability partner