Word of The Year

The Word of The Year is the one word that helps you stay on track toward your goals. Also, the right word, coupled with our values, helps us make better choices, find clarity and, navigate each day by prioritizing our values.

Choosing Your Word

Your Word of The Year is highly personal and time-sensitive, as its name says, depending on your stage of life your Word may differ. This is because there’s no problem in sticking to the same word for more than a year.

The Word is a personal choice, this way two people can have the same word, but it could mean completely different things to each of them and, there is no right or wrong word. Also, there’s no problem in sticking to the same word for more than a year.

Sometimes your word will simply pop up into your head, but for the times it doesn’t happen we got you covered. See the following framework and answer its questions.

Remember: Your Word must be in alignment with your values & be a guiding light toward your goals

Word of The Year Framework

  • Close your eyes and imagine your “perfect life”. How does it look and feel?
  • Think about last year, what held you back?
  • What is something that you would like to overcome?
  • Look at different areas of your life and the goals you have set for them, is there a common thread?
  • Start writing out words that come to mind, then go over the list and start narrowing it down, choosing the words strike a chord with you. Trust your gut with this
  • Eliminate the words that don’t work with all 5 holistic areas and indetify what word stands out.
  • Done! You got your word! ?

Using Your Word

  • Post it everywhere: mirrors, screensaver, fridge, bedside tables, office, in your wallet, etc.
  • Consider it your mission for the year to live by your Word.
  • Before making a decision, consult your Word. Is the decision in alignment with it?
  • Check-in with yourself at the end of each week,
    • are you living your Word?
    • did you make good decisions based on your Word?


  • Download the Word of The Year Worksheet
  • Choose your Word of the Year

Best Life

Our Best Life is a vision we have for ourselves; it is how we want to live and what our life would look like if we were achieving everything we desire. For clarity, it is best to create 1-2 sentences describing your Best Life in each holistic area then write your Best Life Statement.

These statements should be written in positive terms and, in the present tense. Example: I am living with health as a priority.

“Decide exactly what you want in every area of your life; you can’t hit a target you can’t see”

Brian Tracey


  • Download the Best Life Statement Worksheet
  • Look at your 5 Core Values and the 5 Holistic Area goals and create a sentence that embodies what your Best Life looks & feels like if you are living the way you desire
  • Complete the Best Life Statement Worksheet with what you have discovered



Worksheet: Word of The Year


Worksheet: Best Life Statement