Due to the current global situation, searching for a job has become harder than ever. Many employers are already looking for way more experience and much higher education than what their posting requires. On top of that, it can feel like defeat to just settle for something rather than find a career that inspires you. Searching for work is basically a job in and of itself. Moreover, the way that one searches for a job continues to change and can become increasingly more frustrating the longer you search. So, here are some tips and resources to help you in your search.
Job Tips:
1. Talk to your friends and family
You never know who may be able to help you. Talk to people who you trust and make sure that they know you are looking for a job. They may have connections that will help you, or may have heard of various career-searching resources that you may not have heard of.
2. Keep an open mind
When looking for a position, a lot of times we have something really specific in mind. However, our vision of what we’re looking for may not always align with our values. There are always new jobs coming that can use your training and qualifications even though they’re not exactly what you had envisioned in the first place. Keep in mind that the journey you take throughout your career will not be straightforward, but that you can absolutely do what you love and be happy doing it.
3. Online classes
Sometimes we feel unqualified for a certain posting because some of the requirements are outside of any of the training we have received. Linkedin, among other websites, offers plenty of classes that can help you learn new skills or polish any skills that you might need without enrolling in a university or college course. Many are available for free or at a very low price and allow you to learn at your own pace.
Job Resources:
1. Region-based services
The Ontario provincial job bank is linked. There are also resources available on your local city’s website.
There are also local services such as the Caledon Community Services that are available for free that help in hunting. Through these services you will meet with someone one on one to help you with resume building and they actively help you connect with people who are hiring. These are provincially funded programs.
2. National services
The Government of Canada has a free federal job bank that is very intuitive. You can make an account on their website and tailor it according to what you are looking for. You can look for jobs on their job board, but this also allows employers to look at your profile and reach out to you if they are interested.
Don’t confuse having a career with having a life.
– Hillary Clinton
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